Hills Pre­view Week­end Wrap Up!

The last week­end of the sea­son is always bit­ter sweet. We love see­ing so many vis­i­tors on the Island as we roll into autumn, but we’re sad the Island will be a bit qui­eter for the next few months. This year, we were lucky enough to end pub­lic access with a big excla­ma­tion point at our #pre­viewthe­view week­end. Over 2000 of you took advan­tage of the oppor­tu­ni­ty to come see the Hills in progress. Peo­ple were amazed at the 360 degree view they got from the top of Out­look Hill, how close they felt to the Stat­ue of Lib­er­ty, and the Oz-like view of Low­er Man­hat­tan. On Sun­day, vis­i­tors even got to see Marine One up close® as Pres­i­dent Oba­ma flew over­head on his way to the UN.

We’ll miss you over the next few months, but we’re already look­ing for­ward to wel­com­ing you back on May 28, 2016. As always, it’s sure to be a sea­son full of amaz­ing events and exhi­bi­tions, and we’ll have lots more Hills progress to show you!