High School Interns Receive Career Advice from Goldman Sachs
Jul 27, 2016 12:00 am
Governors Island is known for its rich history, but earlier this month seven Goldman Sachs employees made it their mission to help foster the future by turning Nolan Park into a career development hot spot. Through a Goldman Sachs’ Community TeamWorks grant, these volunteers conducted a career development and resume-building workshop for the Friends of Governors Island’s Harbor Internship Program’s (HIP) high school interns, who range from from rising high school juniors to recent high school graduates.
“Given our experiences through college and the professional world, we were able to provide insights on how to maximize their efforts towards attaining their goals,” said Amanda Leggio, one of the Goldman Sachs volunteer team captains.
The students received an overview about resume writing and filling out college applications, and then sat down with Goldman Sachs volunteers to get individualized advice tailored to the students’ career and educational goals.
Overall, the students reported feeling more confident and better prepared to apply for jobs and schools after attending the workshop. One HIP Intern and recent high school graduate, Adam Viruet, noted receiving great advice from the Goldman Sachs volunteers on how to highlight all of his achievements on his resume and properly structure it to appeal to future employers.
Best of all, the interns received genuine and heartfelt support throughout the experience. “All the facilitators were easy to talk to and seemed to really care,” said HIP Intern and rising junior Kimiko Carrington.
All of our HIP Interns are students at the Urban Assembly New York Harbor School, located right here on Governors Island. The students take the same courses as any other New York City teenager but also enroll in one of six maritime-focused programs of study, such as aquaculture, vessel operations, and ocean engineering. If you visit the Island on the weekends, you will be sure to see these interns waiting at the ferry landings and stationed throughout the Island in our bright blue t‑shirts, ready to greet you with a smile and a wealth of information. Make sure to stop by next time you visit and say hello!
“We were incredibly impressed with the focus and drive these students have at such a young age,” said Leggio. “Based on what we saw, we know that this group of students will be successful in anything they choose to pursue after high school.”
The Friends of Governors Island is looking to significantly grow its successful HIP program, which offers paid internships and career development opportunities to public high school students. We are seeking dedicated funding to expand the program to additional students and schools across New York City next summer.
For more information about opportunities to support this program, please contact Program Manager Kelley Bligh at kelley@friendsgi.org.