Gov­er­nors Island Named Best Of…

[cap­tion id=“attachment_3975” align=“aligncenter” width=“310” caption=“A sculp­ture by a mem­ber of the Brook­lyn Water­front Artists Coali­tion was one of many pieces of art vis­i­tors could dis­cov­er here this pub­lic access sea­son (pho­to by Eri­ka Clark)”][/​caption] It seems that many New York­ers are dis­cov­er­ing the arts and cul­ture on Gov­er­nors Island. In the past week, Gov­er­nors Island has been named Best New The­ater Dis­trict by the Vil­lage Voice and Best Place to Expe­ri­ence a High Con­cen­tra­tion of Art­sy Buzz” by the New York Press. They must have been some of the 443,000 vis­i­tors who came out to the Island this pub­lic access sea­son to see per­for­mances at the Lin­coln Cen­ter Fes­ti­val or a show at Water Taxi Beach. If you were one of these vis­i­tors you would have seen that the arts were every­where. The Island host­ed FIG­MENTs artist designed minia­ture golf course and sculp­ture gar­den, out­door and indoor art exhibits by a wide range of orga­ni­za­tions and per­for­mances and con­certs for a diverse array of audiences. 

[cap­tion id=“attachment_3977” align=“aligncenter” width=“368” caption=“The Tem­ple of Won­der” by Jen Upchurch, Dou­glas Hart and Bryan Cates was a part of FIG­MEN­T’s inter­ac­tive sculp­ture gar­den. Here, some of our vis­i­tors get hands on” with the art (pho­to from NYC Loves NYC, Noël Y.C.)”][/​caption] We are look­ing for­ward to see­ing what the 2011 sea­son will bring!