Up Next: Make Music New York’s Punk Island” and Army Her­itage Weekend

We’re host­ing not one, but two big, free fes­ti­vals on Gov­er­nors Island this week­end. Wel­com­ing rev­el­ers for BOTH Army Her­itage Week­endAND Make Music New York’s Punk Island” gives us a chance to show that this is tru­ly EVERYONE’s Island. For infor­ma­tion on how to get to Gov­er­nors Island via our free fer­ry, click here. Punk Island

Cas­tle Williams gets a new hair­do cour­tesy of Make Music New York

This Sat­ur­day between 11 AM and 5 PM, Gov­er­nors Island will become Punk Island” with 75 punk bands play­ing con­tinuious­ly on 13 stages, unin­cum­bered by the New York City Noise Code. The head­line band is the Rea­gan Youth, who reg­u­lar­ly pre­formed at CBGB in the 80’s. Along side them, The Gouls, Copy­right Chaos, The Choke, Thriller, Kil­slug, and many more bands will play at sites through­out the Island’s His­toric Dis­trict. Make Music New York is pre­sent­ing this free music fes­ti­val along with hun­dreds of oth­ers scat­tered across the five bor­oughs, and is part of a larg­er music cel­e­bra­tion tak­ing place in over 300 cities world wide. Make Music New York rep­re­sents what the New York Sun recent­ly called, one of the largest musi­cal events in the city’s his­to­ry.” And if Punk music isn’t your thing, join us on July 5, when the New York Phil­har­mon­ic pre­forms in the late after­noon (that con­cert is also free).

Army Her­itage Weekend

The boys of Com­pa­ny H per­form­ing on Gov­er­nors Island in 2005

The Nation­al Parks Ser­vice and its part­ners are host­ing Army Her­atige Week­end on Sat­ur­day, June 21 and Sun­day June 22 to com­mem­o­rate the island’s his­to­ry as a key U.S. Army base from 1794 to 1966. There will be many fam­i­ly friend­ly activ­i­ties includ­ing liv­ing his­to­ry demon­stra­tions, music, West Point Army mules, and spe­cial lec­tures. Sev­er­al liv­ing his­to­ry groups will be demon­strat­ing army life and cos­tume dur­ing var­i­ous mil­i­tary eras, includ­ing Colonel Albert Pawl­ing’s Levies, the 119th New York Vol­un­teers, and the 5th New York Reg­i­ment.