Gov­er­nors Island is adding more fer­ry ser­vice to Brooklyn!

[cap­tion id=“attachment_1783” align=“aligncenter” width=“468” caption=“Brooklynites arriv­ing at Pier 101 on Gov­er­nors Island bear­ing Junior’s cheese­cake, Dodgers mem­o­ra­bil­ia, arti­sanal cheese and skin­ny jeans. ”]Brooklynites arriving at Pier 101 on Governors Island. The Brooklynization of Governors Island is underway. Next, artisinal food, cheesecake and skinny jeans.[/​caption] Gov­er­nors Island is wel­com­ing more vis­i­tors than ever, and in order to meet the demand of our vis­i­tors from Brook­lyn, we are adding fer­ries between Gov­er­nors Island and Brook­lyn. There will be free fer­ry ser­vice offered every 20 min­utes from Ful­ton Fer­ry Land­ing and Gov­er­nors Island every Sat­ur­day and Sun­day through Labor Day. AND PLUS, we’re push­ing back the last fer­ry to Island by a half hour for those of you who want to pop over for a short vis­it or a ham­burg­er lat­er in the day. The last fer­ry to Gov­er­nors Island is now 5:30 (5:20 from Brook­lyn) on Sat­ur­days and Sun­days. So come out this week­end with a bike, or rent one when you get here, enjoy five miles of car free bik­ing, free art exhi­bi­tions, and acres of green space.