Gov­er­nors Island in 2013

What a year at Gov­er­nors Island! We had major con­struc­tion progress on the south­ern por­tion of the Island and a sum­mer pub­lic sea­son packed with peo­ple, pro­gram­ming, and events. As we work towards build­ing more park space and extend­ing our sum­mer sea­son to 7 days a week, here are 5 of our impor­tant moments in 2013. Implo­sion of Build­ing 877 June 9th began with a BOOM! The implo­sion of Build­ing 877 was a major mile­stone towards com­plet­ing our new 30 acres of park space. Also, fun fact, it was the largest build­ing to be demol­ished in the last ten years in all of New York City. We shared a live stream of the event at the time, but you can relive the expe­ri­ence right here. [cap­tion id=“attachment_7427” align=“alignnone” width=“300”]1212 Kaboom! Image by Tim­o­thy Sch­neck, cour­tesy of the Trust.[/caption] 400,000 Vis­i­tors! Thank you all! The tremen­dous sup­port of the almost 400,000 peo­ple who vis­it­ed the Island this year is what brings Gov­er­nors Island alive. We had lots of vis­i­tors, some with fam­i­lies and many with bikes, com­ing from both the Brook­lyn and Man­hat­tan fer­ry sta­tions. Can’t wait to see you in May, when Gov­er­nors Island will be open sev­en days a week. [cap­tion id=“attachment_7428” align=“alignnone” width=“300”]Courtesy of The Trust. Open­ing Week­end 2013. Image cour­tesy of The Trust.[/caption] Sum­mer Pro­gram­ming The 2013 sea­son saw great old and new pro­gram­ming part­ners and deli­cious food ven­dors on Gov­er­nors Island! Per­haps the sea­son’s most excit­ing new edi­tion was the vin­tage French car­ni­val that graced the island every week­end. Fête Par­a­di­sio brought live music, food ven­dors, and vin­tage car­ni­val rides to cre­ate a true car­ni­val expe­ri­ence right in Nolan Park. Oh, and it came com­plete with a kiss­ing booth. [cap­tion id=“attachment_7429” align=“alignnone” width=“300”]996581_139117032965248_1531294802_n The Drag­on! Image cour­tesy of Fête Paradisio.[/caption] Ground Break­ing on the Hills May­or Bloomberg presided over the ground­break­ing for The Hills project, the next phase of the Gov­er­nors Island Park and Pub­lic Space Mas­ter­plan, this July. The Hills will be locat­ed on the south­ern end of the Island and fea­ture four hills of vary­ing heights of up to 80 feet in the air! This van­tage point will be smack in the cen­ter of the New York Har­bor and offer extra­or­di­nary views of the Stat­ue of Lib­er­ty and Low­er Man­hat­tan. Click here to see how it will look. [cap­tion id=“attachment_7432” align=“alignnone” width=“300”]9367439524_1b7bf18988_z Image cour­tesy of the May­ors Office.[/caption] Final Tree Plant­i­ng in the First Phase of the New Park  On Novem­ber 11, May­or Bloomberg vis­it­ed the Island again for a Final Tree Plant­i­ng, a cer­e­mo­ny that sig­naled the com­ple­tion of the first 30 acres of new park on Gov­er­nors Island. Vis­i­tors that day had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to view the ball fields, enjoy the play struc­tures, stroll through the new­ly plant­ed trees. and relax in Ham­mock Grove. The park will be open sev­en days a week dur­ing the expand­ed access sea­son begin­ning this May! [cap­tion id=“attachment_7437” align=“alignnone” width=“300”]Courtesy of the Trust. Image cour­tesy of the Trust.[/caption]