Gov­er­nors Island Goes Back in Time to the Roar­ing 1920’s this Weekend

Come relive the roar­ing 20s this week­end on Gov­er­nors Island. Michael Arenel­la and the Dream­land Orches­tra returns for the fourth time to bring his tremen­dous­ly pop­u­lar Jazz Age week­end to vis­i­tors. This week­end, the Dream­land Orches­tra will be joined by the Boil­er­mak­er Jazz Band to get the audi­ence on their feet and danc­ing the Charleston. Already, thou­sands have danced, enjoyed the“hot and sweet” dance tunes, vin­tage cars and pie recipe con­tests that the annu­al Jazz Age Fes­ti­val brings. So put on your danc­ing shoes and come out to Gov­er­nors Island for your last chance to expe­ri­ence this jazz par­ty this season!