Top 5 Best Things About Google Street View on Gov­er­nors Island

1. This vir­tu­al real­i­ty ham­mock nap.

We invit­ed Google out here for the first time in 2009, and they just released an update from their vis­it in 2014, right after we opened the new park and pub­lic spaces. Now you can get your Gov­er­nors Island fix while you’re work­ing.” Plus, it’s a handy tool for plan­ning your next Radio-Fly­er enabled birth­day par­ty or rogue pirate wed­ding. Here are our oth­er faves:

2. This walk among the flow­ers (it’s always mid-June in Street View). 

3. This amaz­ing, moody view of the Stat­ue of Lib­er­ty.

4. This crazy por­tal to the past.

5. This spooky fille en noir.