Gov­er­nors Island Art Fair Opens on Saturday

[cap­tion id=“attachment_3750” align=“aligncenter” width=“468” caption=“The work of more than 100 inde­pen­dent artists will be fea­tured on the Gov­er­nors Island Art Fair, open­ing this Sat­ur­day. ”][/​caption] Every Sat­ur­day and Sun­day this Sep­tem­ber, vis­i­tors to Gov­er­nors Island can see musi­cal acts, per­for­mance artists and inter­ac­tive cre­ative pro­grams, in addi­tion to the paint­ings, pho­tographs, sculp­ture, video, and sound and object instal­la­tion pieces that are dis­played in the Third Annu­al Gov­er­nors Island Art Fair. The Fair is pre­sent­ed by the 4 Heads, whose work has been pre­sent­ed on the Island in pre­vi­ous years. The art of more than 100 inde­pen­dent artists will be fea­tured and dis­played in Build­ing 12, which was for­mer­ly used as mil­i­tary hous­ing. Each artist is giv­en his or her own room in which to present their work. The pub­lic is invit­ed to view the fair every Sat­ur­day and Sun­day in Sep­tem­ber from 11 AM to 6 PM. Admis­sion is free. The Fair kicks off this Sat­ur­day with an open­ing par­ty, begin­ning at 11 AM.