The Hills are alive with the sound of earth movers. [caption id=“attachment_7446” align=“aligncenter” width=“300”] View from Grassy Hill looking over our new 30 acres of park and Lower Manhattan. Image courtesy of The Trust.[/caption] Construction on The Hills project broke ground in late July, and we are proud to have reached our first major milestone. Grassy Hill, the smallest of the four hills, has reached its rough grade height of 30 ft above the promenade! The hill is made entirely of demolition material, much of it coming from building 877 that was demolished on Governors Island last year. In a later phase of construction, Grassy Hill will be finished with a layer of planting soil and, you guessed it, grass and other vegetation. With an unobstructed view of the new 30 acres of park and a gentle grassy slope, Grassy Hill will be a wonderful place to rest and watch the baseball games below. Meanwhile construction continues on the other three hills: Slide Hill, Discovery Hill, and Outlook Hill. Each will offer a different experience to park goers. Slide Hill will be a lively fun area with three slides of differing heights embedded into the landscape. Discovery Hill will offer a more leisurely path through nature and incorporate public art into the landscape. Finally Outlook Hill, at 80 ft, will be the tallest hill and give unmatched views of Lower Manhattan and the NY Harbor.