From the Top of Grassy Hill

The Hills are alive with the sound of earth movers. [cap­tion id=“attachment_7446” align=“aligncenter” width=“300”]IMG_9789 View from Grassy Hill look­ing over our new 30 acres of park and Low­er Man­hat­tan. Image cour­tesy of The Trust.[/caption] Con­struc­tion on The Hills project broke ground in late July, and we are proud to have reached our first major mile­stone. Grassy Hill, the small­est of the four hills, has reached its rough grade height of 30 ft above the prom­e­nade! The hill is made entire­ly of demo­li­tion mate­r­i­al, much of it com­ing from build­ing 877 that was demol­ished on Gov­er­nors Island last year. In a lat­er phase of con­struc­tion, Grassy Hill will be fin­ished with a lay­er of plant­i­ng soil and, you guessed it, grass and oth­er veg­e­ta­tion. With an unob­struct­ed view of the new 30 acres of park and a gen­tle grassy slope, Grassy Hill will be a won­der­ful place to rest and watch the base­ball games below. Mean­while con­struc­tion con­tin­ues on the oth­er three hills: Slide Hill, Dis­cov­ery Hill, and Out­look Hill. Each will offer a dif­fer­ent expe­ri­ence to park goers. Slide Hill will be a live­ly fun area with three slides of dif­fer­ing heights embed­ded into the land­scape. Dis­cov­ery Hill will offer a more leisure­ly path through nature and incor­po­rate pub­lic art into the land­scape. Final­ly Out­look Hill, at 80 ft, will be the tallest hill and give unmatched views of Low­er Man­hat­tan and the NY Harbor.