Field Report: The Bridges of Gov­er­nors Island

[cap­tion id=”” align=“aligncenter” width=“335”]Image Gov­er­nors Island is served by four lift bridges, two at the Bat­tery Mar­itime Build­ing in Man­hat­tan and two on Gov­er­nors Island. All the bridges are being replaced with shiny new ones ready for all cur­rent and future Island users. We’re half way there! The new­ly reha­bil­i­tat­ed west bridge and approach plat­form are ready for pas­sen­gers, cars and trucks. The part­ner east bridge won’t be far behind. 
Mean­while, over at the BMB, a new lift bridge was installed at Slip 7, com­plete with a truck scale so we can keep an eye on loads com­ing to the Island. A new Slip 6 is on the hori­zon as well.…[/caption]