You love our hammocks! We’ve been getting a lot of inquiries about our hammocks ever since their debut earlier this season. They’ve been a huge hit. In fact, they’ve come to symbolize summer for us so much, we’ve started using them as our unofficial Summer ’09 logo (above!). We’re not the only ones who love hammocks. Apartment Therapy, a great blog about design for small spaces, just published Best Hammocks of 2009. It’s a terrific resource for those of you who’ve asked us where you can buy your own hammock. They also just had a cute real-estate-envy post about our historic houses, so we’re forgiving them for skipping us in this year’s hammock round-up (you’re on notice, AT!). [caption id=“attachment_1757” align=“aligncenter” width=“468” caption=“Who needs a hammock at home when you can make yourself at home in a hammock on Governors Island?”][/caption]