Every­one Loves a Hammock

I Hammock GI Summer 09

You love our ham­mocks! We’ve been get­ting a lot of inquiries about our ham­mocks ever since their debut ear­li­er this sea­son. They’ve been a huge hit. In fact, they’ve come to sym­bol­ize sum­mer for us so much, we’ve start­ed using them as our unof­fi­cial Sum­mer 09 logo (above!). We’re not the only ones who love ham­mocks. Apart­ment Ther­a­py, a great blog about design for small spaces, just pub­lished Best Ham­mocks of 2009. It’s a ter­rif­ic resource for those of you who’ve asked us where you can buy your own ham­mock. They also just had a cute real-estate-envy post about our his­toric hous­es, so we’re for­giv­ing them for skip­ping us in this year’s ham­mock round-up (you’re on notice, AT!). [cap­tion id=“attachment_1757” align=“aligncenter” width=“468” caption=“Who needs a ham­mock at home when you can make your­self at home in a ham­mock on Gov­er­nors Island?”]july 09 002[/​caption]