Design Observ­er: The New Pub­lic Land­scapes of Gov­er­nors Island

[cap­tion id=“attachment_4176” align=“aligncenter” width=“298” caption=“An aer­i­al view of New York Har­bor with Gov­er­nors Island at the cen­ter (pho­to from desig​nob​serv​er​.com)”][/​caption] Design Observer’s Bri­an Davis inter­viewed Adri­aan Geuze, the prin­ci­pal of West 8 and the lead design­er of the Gov­er­nors Island Park and Pub­lic Space Mas­ter Plan about his approach to design­ing these new spaces in the mid­dle of New York Har­bor. Adri­aan out­lines his vision of the Island and how West 8’s design accen­tu­ates the Island’s nat­ur­al attrib­ut­es, loca­tion and views, and how the new park and pub­lic spaces will make the Island a des­ti­na­tion to which vis­i­tors will return again and again. Read the full inter­view.