Blue Mar­ble Ice Cream Com­ing to Gov­er­nors Island!

[cap­tion id=“attachment_1793” align=“aligncenter” width=“468” caption=“Curious vis­i­tors check out the Blue Mar­ble Ice Cream Scoop Trike in Colonels Row”]Curious Governors Island visitors check out Blue Marble's delicious homemade ice cream.[/​caption] We’re count­ing down the days until Blue Mar­ble Ice Cream begins scoop­ing their yum­my home­made ice cream out of an eco-friend­ly tri­cy­cle out here on Gov­er­nors Island. We have to wait because Blue Mar­ble is buy­ing a new tri­cy­cle with a cool­er attach­ment just for Gov­er­nors Island. A few Fri­days ago, Blue Mar­ble valiant­ly rode their scoop­ing tri­cy­cle over the Brook­lyn Bridge to the Gov­er­nors Island fer­ry on a test run. The scoop­ing was easy, but ped­al­ing over the bridge with four gal­lons of but­ter pecan, choco­late and vanil­la … not so much. We can wait. The ice cream is that good! 
Gov­er­nors Island vis­i­tors have long had an unre­quit­ed love affair with ice cream. In vis­i­tor sur­veys, emails and through­out our out­reach for the park and pub­lic mas­ter plan­ning process, vis­i­tors have con­sis­tent­ly request­ed ice cream to make their vis­it to Gov­er­nors Island com­plete. Stay tuned! [cap­tion id=“attachment_1804” align=“aligncenter” width=“468” caption=“Visitors have also com­pared the Island itself to an ice cream cone. Above, some­one has drawn a map of Gov­er­nors Island with a stamp from last year’s inter­ac­tive exhib­it. The name Crunchy Bot­tom” was a staff favorite before the nam­ing con­test that yield­ed Pic­nic Point.” ”]post it  crunchy bottom[/​caption]