Bat­tery Dance Com­pa­ny and Down­town Dance Fes­ti­val Cross the Har­bor to Gov­er­nors Island

For the first time ever, Bat­tery Dance Com­pa­ny’s Down­town Dance Fes­ti­val cross­es the Har­bor to come to Gov­er­nors Island. On Sat­ur­day and Sun­day, per­for­mances will run back to back, start­ing at 1 PM. On Sat­ur­day, nine dance com­pa­nies will per­form on Colonels Row. On Sun­day, a dozen com­pa­nies will take the sev­en minute fer­ry ride to delight audi­ences here. We are thrilled that Gov­er­nors Island is a part of this year’s festivities!