Art Abounds in All Cor­ners of Gov­er­nors Island

The Designs for Liv­ing” exhib­it by Empire His­toric Arts fea­tures cou­ture fash­ions and antique wallpapers.
Many vis­i­tors to Gov­er­nors Island have seen the incred­i­ble Mark di Suvero exhi­bi­tion by Storm King Art Cen­ter, but did you know that there are near­ly a dozen his­toric build­ings that have been trans­formed by exhi­bi­tions this season?
Hous­es in Nolan Park and Colonels Row are being used by groups such as the Sculp­tors Guild, Har­vest Works, Chil­dren’s Muse­um of the Arts, West Harlem Art Fund, the New New, Empire His­toric Arts, the Nation­al Acad­e­my of the Arts and Storm King Art Cen­ter. These groups have cre­at­ed unique, dynam­ic visu­al arts exhi­bi­tions, inter­ac­tive and sound instal­la­tions for vis­i­tors to enjoy.
[cap­tion id=“attachment_4689” align=“aligncenter” width=“300” caption=“The West Harlem Art Fund has tak­en over Build­ing 17 in Nolan Park with an exhi­bi­tion enti­tled Loose­ly Coupled“The New New fea­tures home­made cre­ations in their shop in Nolan Park.”][/​caption]
Be sure to stop by any house with a blue Vis­i­tors Wel­come” flag to see what they are all about. And, more groups will be pre­sent­ing new works before the end of the sea­son. In just a few weeks, the 4 Heads, will bring their Art Fair to Build­ing 12.