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NYC Ferry will temporarily bypass Governors Island on Friday, April 19, 2024, from 10am-1:30pm. During this time, ferries operated by the Trust for Governors Island will run as scheduled. Click here for tickets and more information.

NYC Ferry will temporarily bypass Governors Island on Friday, April 19, 2024, from 10am-1:30pm. During this time, ferries operated by the Trust for Governors Island will run as scheduled. Click here for tickets and more information.

Announc­ing Shan­dak­en: Gov­er­nors Island, a new artist residency

One year of free stu­dio space on Gov­er­nors Island for five cul­tur­al prac­ti­tion­ers: appli­ca­tion open through July 30.

Shan­dak­en Projects and the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island are proud to announce Shan­dak­en: Gov­er­nors Island, a new, free, inter­dis­ci­pli­nary res­i­den­cy pro­gram. We invite cul­tur­al prac­ti­tion­ers work­ing in any media — includ­ing the visu­al arts, writ­ing, dance, and more — and cur­rent­ly liv­ing in New York City to apply now through July 30.

Shan­dak­en: Gov­er­nors Island will award one year of free stu­dio space on Gov­er­nors Island to five res­i­dents at a time. Stu­dios for the upcom­ing sea­son are avail­able Octo­ber 15, 2018 through Sep­tem­ber 302019

Although the main focus of this col­lab­o­ra­tion is res­i­dents’ stu­dio prac­tice, par­tic­i­pants will also be invit­ed to explore, study, and learn about the island. These on-site expe­ri­ences will result in pub­lic pro­gram­ming that res­i­dents will present to the island’s hun­dreds of thou­sands of vis­i­tors in sum­mer 2019

Locat­ed in the heart of New York Har­bor between Low­er Man­hat­tan and the Brook­lyn water­front, Gov­er­nors Island is an unpar­al­leled place for cul­tur­al prac­ti­tion­ers to work. An eight-minute fer­ry ride away from Low­er Man­hat­tan, the island boasts 172 acres of pub­lic park­land, his­toric archi­tec­ture, and wide-open views. It holds a unique­ly impor­tant place in the his­to­ry of New York, and is cur­rent­ly home to a robust cul­tur­al program.