A week­end of song, dance, per­for­mance and history!

Get ready to enjoy a week­end for his­to­ry buffs and art lovers alike. On Sat­ur­day and Sun­day, Gov­er­nors Island will be host­ing the 10th Annu­al Jazz Age Lawn Par­ty in Colonels Row for the sec­ond time this sea­son. Expe­ri­ence a roar­ing twen­ties fam­i­ly friend­ly gar­den par­ty that fea­tures a live jazz orches­tra as well as vin­tage ven­dors, dance lessons, games, food, drink and more. Get dolled up like a flap­per and learn the Charleston or sit back with a cold drink and enjoy the music. With activ­i­ties rang­ing from laid back to in full swing, this event is sure to have some­thing for every­one. Tick­ets are required but can be pur­chased in advance or on Colonels Row Sat­ur­day or Sunday.

On Sun­day, come to Nolan Park to see The Plan­ta­tion, a new adap­tion of Chekhov’s The Cher­ry Orchard, set dur­ing Recon­struc­tion, Vir­ginia 1870, and staged on Gov­er­nors Island by adaptor/​director Claire Beck­man. Nolan Park is also the site for many exhi­bi­tions so make sure to check them out before or after view­ing this performance!