A Resilient Park

Did you know that the Hills were engi­neered with cli­mate change in mind? All of the Island’s new land­scapes are trans­formed and ele­vat­ed to with­stand ris­ing seas and future storms. 

With the recent anniver­sary of Super­storm Sandy, West 8’s Adri­aan Geuze, the archi­tect behind the Hills, recent­ly sat down with HBO’s Vice News to empha­size the impor­tance of resilient design, show­case how the park on Gov­er­nors Island is pre­pared for the future and how with fore­thought, cities can adapt to a chang­ing cli­mate and ris­ing sea lev­els while ensur­ing the public’s qual­i­ty of life and access to the water’s edge. Watch and read more.

The Gov­er­nors Island Park and Pub­lic Spaces Mas­ter Plan was con­ceived with a focus on resilient and sus­tain­able devel­op­ment at every step of its design. The Hills are only the most vis­i­ble icon of this design approach.