5 Boro Pic­NYC Tick­ets Now on Sale

[cap­tion id=“attachment_5031” align=“aligncenter” width=“216” caption=“5 Boro Pic­NYC kicks off Gov­er­nors Island’s 2012 sea­son! Get ready for ham­burg­ers, hot dogs, shaved ice and even a grilled cheese com­pe­ti­tion!”][/​caption] 5 Boro Pic­NYC comes to Gov­er­nors Island on May 26 and 27th. Kick off Memo­r­i­al Day week­end and the begin­ning of the Island’s 2012 sea­son with food, drink and music on Colonels Row. The event fea­tures chefs from all five bor­oughs, includ­ing Jim­my’s 43, Corey Cova of ABV and Earl’s Beer & Cheese, East Vil­lage Meat Mar­ket, Brook­lyn Grange, and Grow­ing Chefs. Tick­et hold­ers can grab some food, try a wide selec­tion of craft beers and enjoy an after­noon on the Island. The day’s events include a grilled cheese com­pe­ti­tion, a taco chal­lenge and so much more. Buy your tick­ets, come out to the Island and kick off the begin­ning of summer!