The Tallest of Them All: Progress on Out­look Hill

You know we are work­ing hard on the next phase of the new park on Gov­er­nors Island – The Hills! But first, a lit­tle back­ground for those of you who may not remem­ber: The Hills are the next phase of the new park and open space. You might recall we knocked down some old, derelict build­ings on the South Island to make way for them (check out this awe­some visu­al­iza­tion of the build­ing demo and Hills con­struc­tion for a refresh­er). When they are com­plete, the Hills will high­light the trans­for­ma­tion that has tak­en place south of Liggett Hall. Rang­ing up to 70 feet in height with panoram­ic views of New York Har­bor, the four Hills (Grassy, Slide, Dis­cov­ery and Out­look) will be a place in New York unlike any oth­er. In addi­tion to the spec­tac­u­lar views, the Hills pay homage to the lush, hilly land­scapes of pre-colo­nial Man­hat­tan, and will for­ti­fy the Island’s resilien­cy in the face of ris­ing sea lev­els. Cur­rent­ly, we are work­ing on build­ing Out­look Hill, the tallest of the four. We are plac­ing the heavy and light­weight fill (dirt and pumice), which makes up the sub­stance of the Hill. In fact, we have placed so much fill that Out­look is already 20 feet tall –that’s more than ¼ of the way there! [cap­tion id=“attachment_7894” align=“aligncenter” width=“660”]IMG_3182 Dis­cov­ery Hill from the top of the Out­look site.[/caption] [cap­tion id=“attachment_7898” align=“aligncenter” width=“660”]SnowyOutlook_sansMax_20150209 A view of our hard work­ing con­struc­tion team build­ing Out­look Hill in the snow.[/caption] We know you like options so we have also begun work on our Gran­ite Scram­ble”, one of the coolest fea­tures on Out­look Hill. Once the scram­ble is built and the Hills are open to the pub­lic, you’ll have the option to mean­der up Out­look on one of the paths, or to scram­ble” (aka climb) up the gran­ite that will run up one side of the Hill. [cap­tion id=“attachment_7897” align=“aligncenter” width=“660”]Granite Sorting 2015_01 Sort­ing gran­ite blocks in prepa­ra­tion to build the Gran­ite Scram­ble” on Out­look Hill.[/caption] To get an idea of what the Hills will look like when they are fin­ished, check out these spec­tac­u­lar ren­der­ings of The Hills by West 8.